
What do you need to transmit data from PC to PC-1600

1. Audioprogram:
Windows: Audacity
Mac OS X: Audacity
2. Connection PC -> PC-1600
PC / Mac: Line Out
PC 1600: Ear Input Kassetteninterface
Sharp CE-1600P, CE-162E
4. Transmit Program (Command)
PC-1600: CLOAD (start program) or
COPY"CAS:" TO "S1:oderS2:oderX: Name.ext" (copy program on Ramdisk or Floppy Disk)

FINANZ.bas  Determined with taken up credit Monatl. Load and total. 
ZINS.bas  Similar program as FINANCE, better for savings agreements for building purposes. 
KREDIT.bas  Determines the credit maximum limit which can be expected. 
REGRESS.bas  Regression analysis. 
WINKELFU.bas  Determine all other pages and angles from two well-known values at the triangle. 
FINANZ2.bas  Determines different financialmathematical calculations. 
FUNKTION.bas  Function calculation with representation. 
FUNKPLOT.bas  Function output on the plotter. 
GALTON.bas  Galtoni ball board. 
