Code | Description of the program error |
5 | Multiple declaration. Attempt to define an existing array variable a second time. Before a new DIMensionierung the array must be deleted only. |
6 | Undeclared ARRAY. The found array variable does not exist, i.e. it was not defined with the DIM statement. |
7 | Type mistake. Variable ones and date do not fit type-moderately to each other. It is e.g. tried to assign to a numeric variable a stringer or turned around a stringer variable a numeric value. |
8 | Attempt, define array with more
than two dimensions to define.
Example: DIM XM(4,5,2) |
9 | An index of an array variable is
situated outside of as admissible agreed upon area.
Example: 10 DIM P(2,3) 50 INPUTS P(2,4) |
10 | Storage area for the accommodation of variables is full. |
11 | Nichtexistierende line. The line indicated in a branch statement (e.g. GOTO, COSUB) is not contained in the program. |
12 | Illegal format stringer in the USING statement. |
13 | Workspace is not fully the storage space is not sufficient, in order to take up further program lines or variables. |
14 | Stack fully the nesting or the calculation complex. |
15 | Subroutine stack is fully it is inserted into each other too many subroutine references or it is present a stringer with a length of more than 80 characters. |
16 | Exponent found, whose amount reads more largely than 99. |
17 | Bad data types within an arithmetic
printout. It is tried to exercise arithmetic operations on stringer variable.
Examples: A$*b$, /d$ |
18 | Bad parameter specification of a function. |
19 | Parameter is situated outside of the admissible area. |
20 | Bad specification of a standard variable. |
21 | Use of a numeric printout in place of a numeric variable. |
22 | Memory fully. No program can be loaded. |
23 | Bad specification of the TIME$ stringer. |
24 | Attempt to list or edit a program protected with a password. |
25 | Illegal address specification within a NEW statement. |
26 | Illegal operating mode: The indicated instruction cannot be executed in the operating mode momentary |
27 | Unknown quantity instruction. The peripheral device or option addressed by the instruction is not attached. |
28 | At the time of the execution of the INPUT or AREAD statement an illegal stringer was discovered, which corresponds to an BASIC instruction word. |
30 | Line number more largely than 65539. |
32 | The cursor position stopped with GCURSOR prevents the display of the data requested by an INPUT instruction. |
35 | PC-1500-Peripherie not attached. |
36 | The data cannot be displayed in the format given by the USING statement. |
38 | Division by zero. |
39 | Illegal function call. |
100 | Renumbering of the program lines by means of RENUM command is not successfully final. |
101 | Bad device specification within a TITLEoder NEW statement. |
102 | Invalid device lesson. (device not attached) |
103 | RAM module fully. The INIT parameters cannot be set |
104 | The ON..GOSUB statement contains more than eight INTERRUPT branches. |
105 | Too many software interrupt levels |
106 | RETI statement without pertinent ON....COSUB statement found. |
107 | RESUME statement without pertinent ON... ERROR... GOSUBAnweisung found. |
108 | Password cannot be deleted. |
109 | Unzulassiger variable name in the ERASE statement. |
110 | The PC-1500-Modus (MODE 1) cannot be set. Instruction in the operating mode MODE 0 illegally. The instruction referred to the PC-1500-Peripherie operate only in the MODE 1. |
111 | Illegal mode. |
112 | Line too long. During editing a program the line exceeded the length of 80 characters. |
131 | Stringer value with signs provide. |
Code | Description of the recorder error |
40 | Syntax error within a recorder instruction. |
42 | Not sufficient storage space available, in order to be able to load a program from cassette. |
43 | Verification error. The CLOAD? statement states that the program in the memory does not correspond with the program present at the cassette. |
44 | Read error. Incompatible recording or incorrect adjustment of volume and pitch. |
Code | Description of the printer error |
70 | Pin is outside of the x or Y-coordinates of the admissible range from -2048 to 2047. |
71 | The form feedback made in the TEXT mode (reverse feed) is more than 10.24 cm. (only the option concerns CE-150.) |
72 | False specification of the TAB parameters. |
73 | Illegal instruction in the at present valid mode: Use of diagram instruction in the text mode or in reverse. |
74 | Too many parameters in the LINE or RLINE statement. |
76 | Data line is longer than with PCONSOLE adjusted line length. A numeric result from the length one line, in order to be able to be represented in the text mode. |
78 | LPRINT or LINE command cannot be executed The pin is at the false workstation or it is situated a blocking of the printer due to insufficiently loaded Akkus forwards |
79 | Color change signal not passed on to the printer. (only the option concerns CE-150.) |
80 | Unloaded Akkus. Printer " hung itself up ". |
Code | Description of the port error |
140 | Bad parameter indication in the SET statement. |
141 | The size of the receive buffer which can be specified with the INIT instruction exceeds either the maximum value of 16383 bytes or the at present available storage space. |
142 | Receipt error. Parity or framing of the data byte incorrectly or upper run of the receive buffer. |
143 | Waiting period exceeded. Within the time determined with RCVSTAT no data were received from the peripheral device. |
144 | The port indicated in the SETDEV statement is already open. |
Code | Description of the data error |
150 | Too specifies many files in the MAXFILES statement. |
151 | File exists already. Select another name. |
152 | File not found. Vberpruefen it whether the specification of the file designator is correct. When storing by means of SAVE the diskette proves as full. |
153 | Illegal file number specification within a Leseoder write statement. The file with the appropriate number was not opened yet for the reading or walking access. |
154 | The file is already opened. Close it, before you open them in the correct mode for the desired access. |
155 | Illegal drive designation: Floppy disk drive is not attached. |
156 | False parameter indications in the SET statement. |
157 | Illegal or incorrect file name. |
158 | Instruction in connection with the floppy disk drive not applicably. |
159 | Attempt to write on a protected diskette. |
160 | No diskette in the drive. |
161 | Diskette was not formatted yet with INIT. |
162 | Writing or read error concerning inserted diskette. |
163 | False diskette in the drive. It took place a diskette change although still another opened file was present. |
164 | Diskette fully. |
165 | End of file during the reading with the INPUTS # exceeded. All data records were already read. |
166 | Not sufficient storage space within the system area available, in order to serve the floppy disk drive. |
167 | Fatal diskette error. Diskette contents or the diskette are zertoert. |
168 | Floppy disk drive does not function correctly. Weak Akkus or a hardware error is situated forwards to |