C) call of the function key allocations
Those the function keys in the RESERVE mode assigned stringer can be recalled in the RUN mode during the inputs of direct calculations or in the PRO mode during programming. In addition only the desired level with the menu key (I, ii or III) needs to be selected and the suitable function key pressed. The stringer is then output at the cursor position in the display. In our example allocation the operation of the function key F1 would supply the stringer PRINT at the selected level III.
The storage area, which takes up the function key allocations of the level II, is used also for the storage of the notification of emergency. If over ALARM$ such a notification of emergency is agreed upon all function key allocations of this level are overwritten by this alarm stringer.
D) function key menu
Since the allocations of the function keys become visible with their operation only, it can occur that one is not present all 18 allocations, and knows, which key is to be pressed, in order a certain allocation to recall. Therefore the possibility exists of letting by operation of the RCL key (recall), one as menu defined guideline assistance represent in the display. This can show a shortened form of the real allocations because of the limitation on 26 displayable characters naturally only.
Production of a menu:
1) Set the computer into the RESERVE mode by operation of the combination of keys SHIFT+mode
2) Select with the menu key the voucher level for you a menu to create would like.
3) Input now a menu stringer out up to 26 characters, which must be included in stating lines. Terminate the input with operation of the ENTER key.
This menu is then held ready in a part of the storage cushion for a later call. Remember that the max. length of the menu stringer amounts to exactly 26 characters, thus the length of a display line. So that the menu is so arranged that the contractions are situated over the appropriate keys, each contraction should not be longer than 4 characters.
For our exemplary allocation specified before the menu for the third allocation level could be selected as follows:
<- 26 characters >
Display a menu:
The example menu can be displayed
in the PER or RUN mode, by selecting the allocation level III by means
of menu key and
key operates the RCL. A however times operation of the RCL key
deletes the display of the menu. In a similar way the menus of the allocation
levels I and II can be brought to the display.