Adjustments to the data communication Sharp 

Instruction and adjustments to the data communication on the Sharp:
COM$  Supplies a stringer with the adjusted values, which were agreed upon over SETCOM. 
COMn ON/OFF/STOP  Permitted or forbid INTERRUPTS, which are requested over the INTERFACE. 
INIT determines the size of the receive buffer. 
INSTAT  Supplies the values of the control signals. 
ON $COcMn GOSUB  Branched out to an INTERRUPT routine, if 
on the voice grade channel an appropriate 
Request lies close. 
OUTSTAT  The levels of the control signals put direct 
" high " or " low ". 

Defines the line length and the EOL code. 
PHONE ON/OFF/STOP  Permitted or forbid INTERRUPTS, which are requested by the voice grade channel. 
PZONE  The pressure zone for outputs with that sets 
LPRINT instruction. 
RCVSTAT  The receipt log as well as the control room sets 
time (timeout). 
SETCOM  Specify the RS-232C-Interface for one 
Input or output. 
SNDBRK  Interruption codes transmit, around the data 
to stop transfer. 
SNDSTAT  The transmission log and the waiting period sets (timeout). 

Direct adjustments to the serial data communication by RS-232c (COM1: in the RUN mode Xon/Xoff log:

The PC-1600 should with data communication a buffer in the RAM be reseved.

INIT " COM1:", 4096 (Enter key press).

With the number 4096 from the workspace 4096 bytes are taken off. Also every different one can worth from 1 to the Hole RAM-1 be input. The value proves in practice as better.

SETCOM " COM1:", 9600, 8, N, 1, X, N (Enter key press ).

Instead of the Baud number of 9600 can be input also still with good connection (shielded orginales data communication cable) 19200 or 38400.

The terminal program at the PC must possess the same adjustments:
Baud rate:  9600 (or more highly depending upon cable) 
Parity:  none 
Data bit: 
Stop element: 
Handshake:  Xon/Xoff 

PCONSOLE " COM1:", 255, 2 (Enter key press ).

The number of 2 gives those the type of the line end to 0=CR (&0D) to 1=LF (&0A), 2=CR+LF (&0d+&0a).

The terminal program at the PC must possess the same adjustments:
Lines end with:  CR+LF 
Delay per character 1/60 
Delay per line 1/60 

With the instruction

LOAD " COM1: " (Enter key press).

the basic program is then loaded into the workspace and can be started then with RUN. Alternatively can also also

COPY " COM1: " TO of " S2:name.BAS "



the program, in this case on Ramdisk2, or S1 or X to be copied directly.