Pc-1600 from the winter sleep get


The Pc-1600 was produced starting from year of construction 1986 and sold to ca.1989. At that time it became according to Sharp Germany with approx.. 10000 sold to copies under the people brought. Probably it was used more or less intensively the first years by its users. But in the course of the time it probably disappeared somewhere with most in the shelves and cabinets. If he again and aroused to the life is then discovered nevertheless sometime often gives it problems.

Some well-known problems:
1. Should after batteries longer time empty, or again used its (beeps several times), probably only TOTALLY a RESET can arouse the Pc-1600 again to the life. With pressure on the BRAECK ON key and by simultaneous press the RESET button at the lower surface of the Sharps with a ball-point pen, these is released.
CHECK error messages.
PER mode does not function any longer. Over everything again usually too gotten one must the module (or also two, if still one are inserted) from the computer removes. The batteries of the Pc-1600 remove and after approx.. 10 seconds again begin. Because computers again with a total RESET (BREACK ON key + down with ball-point pen press) start. That should get their Pc-1600 again from the winter sleep. Caution!! However their data on the memory module are then deleted if these not with back-up battery are.